Have You Been Charged with a DUI?

Have You Been Charged with Another Type of Crime?

Don’t Let A Weapon Charge Ruin Your Future Freedoms

If you have been arrested for carrying a gun without a permit or you are being charged because you are a felon in possession of a handgun, then you need a skilled defense attorney who will aggressively protect your rights and future liberties throughout the entire criminal process. The person who should be at your side is Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. Jr.

Mr. Lauer has more than 33 years of experience and a reputation for results in more than 200 jury trials. He is dedicated to safeguarding your interests throughout the legal process when you are accused of a weapons violation.

He knows the challenges you face, including minimum mandatory sentencing in the event of a conviction. He works hard to help you avoid harsh punishments such as jail or prison, substantial fines and a criminal record.

Call Mr. Lauer now at 717-985-8595 for a free initial consultation where he can review your case and determine your best course of action.

If You Do Not Want To Plead Guilty To A Gun Charge, Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. Can Help

If a gun is used or in your possession during a crime, your sentence can be enhanced or increased. If the sentencing guideline calls for 10 years of incarceration, a weapons offense can add years of prison time.

Even if you are a first-time offender who didn’t commit a crime with a gun, you could be headed to state prison for several years if you are convicted. And if you have a permit for a gun but carry it outside your home or business, you could still be subject to felony charges.

How We Can Help You Defend Your Rights And Freedoms

Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. works directly with you, one-on-one, to investigate your charges and determine if your gun was discovered during an illegal search and stop by police. He negotiates skillfully and litigates forcefully on your behalf.

Purchasing A Firearm After A Crime Can Create Issues

Pennsylvania courts take gun laws very seriously, and they see anyone who has been charged with a crime as a danger to society. Unfortunately, this stereotype prevents good people from purchasing or owning firearms long after they have served their time and repented for their crimes.

If you value your Second Amendment right, talk to an attorney at our firm. We know how to fill out conceal permits and licensing forms to help you avoid a felony charge.

Retain Our Services Today

To schedule a free initial consultation with Mr. Lauer or another talented attorney at our firm, call our Camp Hill office at 717-985-8595 or send us an email. Let us do our best to turn your life in a positive direction.