Have You Been Charged with a DUI?

Have You Been Charged with Another Type of Crime?

Don’t Let Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Laws Catch You Off Guard

The passage and signing of legislation to legalize medical marijuana in Pennsylvania has been hailed as a triumph and is being seen as one more step toward legalizing recreational marijuana in our state. Unfortunately, implementing this new law will take time and legislation can always change, which leaves people at risk of breaking the law without even realizing it.

Ever-changing laws and slow implementation of medical marijuana regulations have and will likely continue to create potential legal problems for those who wish to obtain a medical marijuana license in our state. You need a lawyer you can turn to who stays up-to-date on the law and will know how to protect your rights and future freedoms. That person is attorney Patrick F. Lauer, Jr.

Your Questions Will Never Go Unanswered

At the Law Offices of Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. LLC, we get asked a lot of questions about medical marijuana laws in Pennsylvania, including:

  • Do I need a license to possess medical marijuana?
  • Can I use medical marijuana without a license?
  • Is possessing medical marijuana a crime?
  • Is it a crime to purchase medical marijuana from someplace other than a dispensary?
  • Could I be charged with a DUI after using medical marijuana?

We know the laws are confusing and that constant changes only make it more difficult to avoid violating them. That’s why we stay up-to-date on the current law so that we can properly address your arrest and any criminal charges you’re facing as a result.

We pride ourselves on providing aggressive representation and getting results you will be happy with. We have a track record of results, including successes in every drug offense case we’ve handled. We will always fight to resolve your case in the best possible way. If that means taking your case to court, we are ready to fight on your behalf.

At our firm, we proudly offer a military discount to veterans who are facing criminal charges due to an alleged violation of medical marijuana laws.

Take A Stand For Your Rights

Any criminal charge, including the full range of drug charges, can negatively impact your life and some may even prohibit you from asserting certain civil liberties. At the Law Offices of Patrick F. Lauer, Jr. LLC, we will do our best to protect you from this potential future.

To schedule a free initial consultation at our firm, contact our law office in Camp Hill by calling 717-985-8595 or send us an email.